Thursday, April 30, 2009

What If We Switched?

So how awesome would it be if men went through what women went through and women were men? What if one day out of the year men were forced to do as women do? OR something as close to it. I hate that women are always something to be looked at. I remember when i was younger i always had really pretty friends and they always had boys chasing them around, and i was always the friend of the boys. So all i ever wanted was for the boys to chase me around. But when i was younger and i had braces and glasses, nobody gave me the time of day. The summer before 8Th everything hit me... when i got to 8Th grade the boys just started flooding in. And you cant help but be flattered. But then you realize, your just a game? When do guys go through that weird strange were there just a game. Not saying that ladies are Innocent, but when are girls like "oh i wonder if he's easy?". Well none of the people i knew were like that. Boys were always ready to melt your heart if it meant that they could get in your pants. I just wished that guys could go through that weird part in your life when you get your period and your not sure whats going on with your body. When you start having sex they don't have to worry about getting pregnant. I mean they don't worry and they don't want to get someone pregnant but it doesn't physically happen to them. I want a Man to experience pushing a cantaloupe of a hole the size of a what like a quarter? I just think that men should experience not being able to watch Disney movies without crying cause the mom dies, or getting nasty men saying things to them when they walk down the street. Sometimes women cant go anywhere without some hotshot saying "hey BAbay.." it's just repulsive. I mean women cant even go to a club with here friends without some freak rubbing his business on your back and ass. i just want one time for a guy to have some girl say provocative things yelled had him, or get kidnapped and raped in a park( not that that's a positive thing) or experience what its like to have PMS and see that you really are a bitch,..... and you can't help that. I need that day... it would be like a vacation and i would sit back and laugh!!!

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