Monday, April 13, 2009

"Go Take A Midol or Something"

Why is it whenever your in a bad mood, and there's a guy around it's immediately tied to your period? Nothing makes me more mad then when a guys like what are you on the rag? Or any other nasty degrading term. It's terrible enough that you period makes you feel like a stinky walking ugly stick but do boys have to make the matter worse. Another thing that bothers me is that when you are on your period you really do get bloated and tired, and crampy and guys think we are just using it as a excuse. Well I think that somethings that is a bit unempowering is Midol. It is solely created for women. Which isn't a bad thing but you could just take an Tylenol and feel better as well. But they had to create a medicine "just for women" that's for the relief of bloating, fatigue and cramps. I for one have never been one to take any medications of these types because i feel like if you just take an ibuprofen or whatever that you'll feel fine. I think that there company figured that they could get rich making an aspirin that's just for women and women would buy it. I am also very open about this topic as well fell free to comment tell me how you feel about it. I think that the medicine gives men another reason to think your weak because you take medicine for your period, even thought they have not even the slightest clue what its like. I just think that we don't really need a "special" medicine for our periods, take your favorite temporary pain pill!


  1. I Like Midol. It is one of the very few meds I can take on my period without being knocked out. Most meds make me really tired and groggy. I tried Ibuprofen and Tylenol and I still had cramps. Midol makes me function when ever the cramping starts.
    I do agree, however, that men suck for not understanding us when we are on our period. Most do think we are "acting" up, that the hormones are not "that bad". I would trade any day and like to see them have their period just once. I think the we would have a three day national holiday for ever man on his period. Sorry I am a cynic on my period.

  2. I agree with Julia...I love Midol and I don't feel insulted by it at all. A woman's body is special and I celebrate being a woman by taking advantage of all of the littles nick nacks they have to offer me!!(even OTC meds) There was a time when I would not even purchase my own tampons-and that was because I had brothers and they made me feel horrible for having a period. I had to learn that a period was not a bad thing, it is natural and ALL women have one. So long live Midol I wish they had extra strength-have you tried it it really helps with the bloating!

  3. I think Midol is a good thing. If it takes away the ugly feelings and makes you feel "normal" why not take it? If you think about it, if men had periods, I'm sure scientists and doctors would come up with a medicine to help them too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I just think that its very sterotypical for men to think that women having a bad day = PMS. And yes, Midol is a very good thing for some reason nothing else really works for me except for Midol. But if people feel that its degrading then i completely understand but personally i think its a great thing!

  6. I like using Midol at that time of the month because I know it will work better than my IB profen or aspirin. I think that having Midol be for women is just fine. Guys have certain drugs for their problems too like Viagra. There is a great point though how a lot of men assume if women are mad it is because of their period. This is just another example of how guys say sexist remarks to make them feel better.

  7. I take Midol when I am on my period simply because it seems to work better than other temporary pain meds like Tylenol. I have tried a few different pain meds for my cramps (they can get really bad) and they dont make it go away completely or they dont last very long once they FINALLY start working. I do see what youre saying and I really do agree with the idea but personally, I like Midol because it works for me.
