Thursday, April 30, 2009

Get a Clue?

Nothing makes me want to laugh harder then when i read this celebrity gossip magazine's and such. Head lines like Lady Gaga takes the month off because shes stressed! What??? She lives the good life what could she possibly be stressed about. I mean i understand that its probably hard to sing and act and be a celebrity but what are stressed about? I mean what about everyday people, you don't see your neighbour with 5 kids taking a month break cause she stressed. And she actually has something to be stressed about. A mother has to worry about not only herself but here male figure and her children, she has to worry about having food and a roof over her and her children's head. What about full time college students working there asses off to graduate to be someone, i know I'm stressed but I'm not gonna take a month off. What about people that have lost there jobs to the economy because everything falling apart, you think they can take off for a month because there stressed? NO! I just can't stomach the fact that they complain so much about how bad they have it, i mean am not them but please. There are people in this world that have it way worse then they do. Another topic is Kim Kardashian buys an engagement band and her boyfriend hasn't even proposed. WTF???? why are you buying a engagement band if your not even getting married? WHY! i just can't wrap my mind around that. The reason she did it apparently is because all here friends are brides to be. That doesn't make it right. So lets say she buys this ring what is she gonna do.. take it home and give it to her boyfriend and be like here babe when you want to marry me just give me this. If he's not really into her like that kind of committed relationship, he's going to be like no thank you i don't want to marry you, i just want to have sex with Kim Kardashian. So i think that some of these things could possibly be made up but some of theses story's have to be true. Apparently the life of the rich and famous is harder then just the everyday life that we all live.


  1. I completely agree with what you said about celebrities taking off for a month or just taking an extravagent vacation because they think that they are stressed. Our country worships the ground these people walk on so they believe that it is okay for them to act this way. Everyone in their lives has stress to deal with and everyones problems seem big to them, but it is all in how you deal with them. These celebrities need to look a little harder into what they are stressed about and try to solve the problem not just run from it because that will just make things worse.

  2. I have to say everytime i am in the grocery store I pick up one of those gossip agazines..But I can't help but to think there is someone that really enjoys reading about other peoples hardships and misery. I think it does two things it lets the publis know that celebrities are people just like you-and the sooner people realize this maybe they will back off and let them try to lead a noraml life.
