Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sterotype Taboo's!

Why do we believe everything that we see on TV? Have we just been brainwashed from the beginning?Well On February 1st 2009 The 43rd Superbowl was televised. Well during this televised event there were many performers there... but why is it that only the female performers were accused of lip singing? Both women, Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson were accused of "lip Singing" during there performances. Many pop artist have come along and they may have lip sang.... i know that there are many "teen pop Idols" that lip sang a many of time. Both Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson are respectable musicians and have beautiful voices and talent, obviously if there singing at the Superbowl... why in the world would they need to lip sing?Ms Hudson graced us with her beautiful voice when she sang our National Anthem, but if she lip sang then how is it that she sang over here allotted time? If she was lip singing she would have been singing with background music and would have been done on time. She was also extremely faint, flush and out of breath after she was done singing. Ms Faith Hill sang America the Beautiful, she was one of 3 to ever sing that song at the Super Bowl and she also sang over her allotted time, so how are these women lip singing? Another point that i want to make is why was Bruce Springsteen never accused? Is it because he is a music legend. Or because he's a man... well I believe that we need to drop our stereotypical ideas about lip singing and female singers.. just because some of them do it, doesn't mean all of them do. Bruce should have lip sank because he sounded like crap after his like second or third song. Just because he's a man doesn't mean he's perfect. I think both women did an amazing job and should be honored for there work. We must first learn to break gender rules and then maybe we can get rid of stupid taboos!

1 comment:

  1. How can you compare Bruce Springsteen to Faith Hill or Jennifer Hudson?
    It has nothing to do with gender. It has to do with statue in Rock/Pop history. Nobody would accuse Aretha Franklin of lip singing (even if she would hev done so).
    You don't get the point of Roch'n'Roll.
