Thursday, February 12, 2009

she's not that innocent!

In The January 2009 Issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine Amanda Bynes was on the front cover and had an interview.To start this whole thing I remember being at the store and looking over at the magazines and grabbing this and putting it with my purchases. When I got out to my car my friend said why did you buy that.... My response was ' because it was purple".
Cosmo Used this amazing
shade of purple to draw you in. Then you look at the cover and it's Amanda Bynes is a purple Leopard dress. Well then i noticed that the title of Her article is ' Shes not that innocent" . The first thing that mad me mad was that they put Amanda in animal print. When you put someone in animal print its like trying to make someone more sexy, and for the title of the article that works. But animal print on someone is like turning them into an animal. When you turn someone into an animal they are no longer a person, you have dehumanised them. Turning them into an object or something to look at, making them less then human or simply objectification. When i read this article, it had nothing to do with what the cover said. She talks about how she's starting a new clothing line and hopes to start a make-up line as well. She talked about ex-boyfriends and the pain she went through and how she coped and learned her lessons.She also says that she would like to play a more serious role she states "I'd love to do something that's against type. I feel like I'm starting fresh, and ends with " i feel people don't know yet what i can really do". She seems very down to earth and goal oriented. The problem is that the wholesome girl doesn't sell magazines. At some point in almost everyone young women's career she has to throw her sweet, wholesome "Innocent" role out the window. Very many young women singers and actresses had to go from cute to sex kitten. Look at Jessica Simpson or Christina Aguilera, they went from cute faces to crotchless chaps and boy shorts with a bikini top in a boxing ring and washing the General Lee in A string bikini to keep there careers going. The only reason that the media does this is because it makes them money. They knew that if they put Amanda Bynes in a purple Leopard dress on the cover of Cosmopolitan with her article title "she's not that Innocent" that you would buy it because like me i want to know how is she not so innocent. The article doesn't even talk about anything scandalous, and even if there was any sexual talk it was humorous, she didn't talk about her sex life or a sex scandal or Even about sex. They could have thought of a better title... oh yeah but that's right sex sales!

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