Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hannah Montana Or Miley Cyrus ???

Why is it that while I was trying to find a topic to blog about, I get on my computer and I go to google and type in Miley Cyrus and I find a whole bunch of websites completely covered in Hannah Montana but when you switch over to images you find these pictures? The reason that I decided to run with this blog is because I figured that most of you would agree with me that for a 16 she is a little spoiled brat. she had her sweet 16 at Disney world. Regardless that she's rich, or yeah that's right she wouldn't be rich if her daddy wasn't a country singer. She would have been just like every other teenage girl. And by the looks of these pictures she is growing up just like a teenage girl does. What i wanna know more then anything is who are these pictures for? The website tied to these photos said that these where pictures from here phone. In Miley's defense why is it that these photos leaked? Well the answer to that is that there are hackers that can hack into your email address . Apparently the hacker tried to sell the pictures to TMZ but because he got them in such an illegal way they didn't want to publish them. I know the teen dream is entitled to privacy but taking the chance of these pictures being whipped around the Internet is dangerous. I think that in some senses that this could be as bad as Micheal Phelps and the bong. Yeah so marijuana is illegal but you think that if her father saw these he would be happy? For the age group that she represents she should stay away from things like this, especially since she had that scandalous photo shoot with Vanity Fair of here tangled up in a white bed seat that she had to apologize for. Girls as young as 3 want to be like Hannah Montana, but when thy see her like this.... then they want to be like this. We always want to be sexy.... i guess being smart or funny never gets you the money, the fame or a total hottie!


  1. Yes I agree that girls as young as three want to be like her! However consider this dear little Miley Cyrus, who did she strive to be like? She is doing what every little teenager did, because they knew no better. This is what we learn to be like from TV, friends, siblings. Instead of blaming Miley you should look at the parents of these little kids. If the parents feel that it is ok for TV to raise their kids then, these same parents deserve their kids to look up to have naked Miley.

  2. I agree that Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana is a little odd. I don't really play too much into the media played up around her, but I am sure that her fans do, especially the younger girls who look up to her. I work at a Pottery Store where we host countless 5-12 year old girl's birthday parties, and hear a lot of talk about Hannah Montana, so I understand she is popular. I also understand that children are confused. They think that because Miley changed who she was, and pretended to be someone else, that they can also do the same thing. I do not agree with what this is teaching children. Kids need to learn to be themselves, not pretend to be someone else!

    Yes, Miley is a brat. And yes, she is where she is solely because of the piggy back ride her father gave her. So should parents, yes parents, really allow their children to watch this show with immoral view on TV, therefore giving Miley the motivation to go out and produce music? Should parents allow their children to look up to a role model that is posing in booty shorts blowing kisses to the camera?

    I know my kids would never watch her show, or own her CDs!

  3. I think we all should care about what image she is sending the youth!! That is exactly what our media class is all about the fact that the media forces are the ones ultimately in charge!! no matter what this little girl does it brings in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ they don't care about the skimpy clothes she wears and the inappropriate pictures she takes..why.... because the other 16 year old(the one that admires her) is telling her parents what store she saw that shirt in the picture and she will have it on next weekend with a boyfriend on her arm.

  4. Every young girl I know looks up to Hannah Montana and want so bad to be just like her. In my opinion she does seem pretty nice and acts like a typical teenage girl but these photos tell a whole different story. If all of her fans saw these pictures they would copy her and do the same thing and pretty soon you will see pictures all in the news of young girls posing provocatively because its what "Hannah Montana" did, and if she does it then its ok for everyone else to do it too. The media has a big influence on young girls, it sucks them in and they collapse into the stereotypical teenager, in this case spoiled and conceded.

  5. I think that she knows that she is a role model for very young girls and that these should not have been taken. If they were to be taken she should use a camera or something other than her cell phone. She is a normal teenage girl and is entitled to do as she pleases but with a career like hers it is almost impossible to do as she pleases. Everyone is watching over her every single move. She should know better especially with her father being famous also.

    Her father being famous obviously has something to do with her fame but I do think that a lot of hard work and dedication goes into her job. A lot of sons/daughters of famous people try to make it in the business and a lot of them do not make it to the big time. So in reality when we say she only got the job because of her father we have to realize that its not him who made her famous it is the fans.

  6. WOW. I have never seen these pictures of her, only the ones that were all over the news. I had a talk with my niece about this the other day since she is 8 and LOVES hannah Montana. If you do not like her, basically my niece doesn't like you, or she defends Hannah.I don't like the fat of her being a role model for little girls and knowing it and taking things so far out of proportion.
