Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hannah Montana Or Miley Cyrus ???

Why is it that while I was trying to find a topic to blog about, I get on my computer and I go to google and type in Miley Cyrus and I find a whole bunch of websites completely covered in Hannah Montana but when you switch over to images you find these pictures? The reason that I decided to run with this blog is because I figured that most of you would agree with me that for a 16 she is a little spoiled brat. she had her sweet 16 at Disney world. Regardless that she's rich, or yeah that's right she wouldn't be rich if her daddy wasn't a country singer. She would have been just like every other teenage girl. And by the looks of these pictures she is growing up just like a teenage girl does. What i wanna know more then anything is who are these pictures for? The website tied to these photos said that these where pictures from here phone. In Miley's defense why is it that these photos leaked? Well the answer to that is that there are hackers that can hack into your email address . Apparently the hacker tried to sell the pictures to TMZ but because he got them in such an illegal way they didn't want to publish them. I know the teen dream is entitled to privacy but taking the chance of these pictures being whipped around the Internet is dangerous. I think that in some senses that this could be as bad as Micheal Phelps and the bong. Yeah so marijuana is illegal but you think that if her father saw these he would be happy? For the age group that she represents she should stay away from things like this, especially since she had that scandalous photo shoot with Vanity Fair of here tangled up in a white bed seat that she had to apologize for. Girls as young as 3 want to be like Hannah Montana, but when thy see her like this.... then they want to be like this. We always want to be sexy.... i guess being smart or funny never gets you the money, the fame or a total hottie!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

she's not that innocent!

In The January 2009 Issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine Amanda Bynes was on the front cover and had an interview.To start this whole thing I remember being at the store and looking over at the magazines and grabbing this and putting it with my purchases. When I got out to my car my friend said why did you buy that.... My response was ' because it was purple".
Cosmo Used this amazing
shade of purple to draw you in. Then you look at the cover and it's Amanda Bynes is a purple Leopard dress. Well then i noticed that the title of Her article is ' Shes not that innocent" . The first thing that mad me mad was that they put Amanda in animal print. When you put someone in animal print its like trying to make someone more sexy, and for the title of the article that works. But animal print on someone is like turning them into an animal. When you turn someone into an animal they are no longer a person, you have dehumanised them. Turning them into an object or something to look at, making them less then human or simply objectification. When i read this article, it had nothing to do with what the cover said. She talks about how she's starting a new clothing line and hopes to start a make-up line as well. She talked about ex-boyfriends and the pain she went through and how she coped and learned her lessons.She also says that she would like to play a more serious role she states "I'd love to do something that's against type. I feel like I'm starting fresh, and ends with " i feel people don't know yet what i can really do". She seems very down to earth and goal oriented. The problem is that the wholesome girl doesn't sell magazines. At some point in almost everyone young women's career she has to throw her sweet, wholesome "Innocent" role out the window. Very many young women singers and actresses had to go from cute to sex kitten. Look at Jessica Simpson or Christina Aguilera, they went from cute faces to crotchless chaps and boy shorts with a bikini top in a boxing ring and washing the General Lee in A string bikini to keep there careers going. The only reason that the media does this is because it makes them money. They knew that if they put Amanda Bynes in a purple Leopard dress on the cover of Cosmopolitan with her article title "she's not that Innocent" that you would buy it because like me i want to know how is she not so innocent. The article doesn't even talk about anything scandalous, and even if there was any sexual talk it was humorous, she didn't talk about her sex life or a sex scandal or Even about sex. They could have thought of a better title... oh yeah but that's right sex sales!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sterotype Taboo's!

Why do we believe everything that we see on TV? Have we just been brainwashed from the beginning?Well On February 1st 2009 The 43rd Superbowl was televised. Well during this televised event there were many performers there... but why is it that only the female performers were accused of lip singing? Both women, Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson were accused of "lip Singing" during there performances. Many pop artist have come along and they may have lip sang.... i know that there are many "teen pop Idols" that lip sang a many of time. Both Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson are respectable musicians and have beautiful voices and talent, obviously if there singing at the Superbowl... why in the world would they need to lip sing?Ms Hudson graced us with her beautiful voice when she sang our National Anthem, but if she lip sang then how is it that she sang over here allotted time? If she was lip singing she would have been singing with background music and would have been done on time. She was also extremely faint, flush and out of breath after she was done singing. Ms Faith Hill sang America the Beautiful, she was one of 3 to ever sing that song at the Super Bowl and she also sang over her allotted time, so how are these women lip singing? Another point that i want to make is why was Bruce Springsteen never accused? Is it because he is a music legend. Or because he's a man... well I believe that we need to drop our stereotypical ideas about lip singing and female singers.. just because some of them do it, doesn't mean all of them do. Bruce should have lip sank because he sounded like crap after his like second or third song. Just because he's a man doesn't mean he's perfect. I think both women did an amazing job and should be honored for there work. We must first learn to break gender rules and then maybe we can get rid of stupid taboos!