Thursday, March 12, 2009

Barbie Vs. Bratz

Barbie has been an American icon for 50 years. She does it all, she been a veterinarian, a pilot, a doctor, and many other things. But did Barbie get challenged when other female toys such as Bratz came out? Bratz were dolls made with more chic, pop almost made to stand out.They wear skimpy modern clothes. They also wear entirely to much make-up. Barbie was constructed to have permanent high heeled feet and people thought that was to stereotypical for Barbie to always have heels on. But the Bratz dolls have different shoes that snap on. Now I don't know about you but I don't like wearing shoes all the time but Bratz have no choice, they either wear shoes or have nub ankles. At least having Barbie feet is more realistic then having snap on shoes! Bratz also never had the type of success Barbie did. If Barbie was a real person she would be a very well raised successful person. Bratz on the other hand are not so successful. They are always portrayed as the partiers. They never have doctor Bratz, its always rock roll Bratz or fashion show Bratz. Bratz are the type of dolls that encourage girls that its OK to wear ten tons of make up and to dress like street walkers.Bratz are portrayed as ungoal orientated uneducated asperationsless females. It all about beauty to them. Barbie was also know to have a family and a male caller. Nothing ever happens between Barbie and Ken because of Barbies fierce Independence but at least she had family members and an education and actual jobs that are realistic. Lots of people complain about Barbies unrealistic body proportions well have you looked at a Bratz doll lately? I would so rather have Barbie's body. Bratz are created with barely any breast and she it always wearing something skin tight and revealing. Bratz have no curve or figure, they are built like an 11 year old girl. So in reality if Bratz were really 11 and i was her mother, oh i would be pissed. I would have a low life daughter that wears to much make-up that dresses like a slut and is either a rock star or a model, yeah no thank you. Bratz to be should be considered the black sheep of girls toys.
In My Opinion Barbie Wins!!!

I Want To Be Like A Spartan Women!

For some reason whenever I watch 300 i always want to be that Spartan Queen. I think that you cant believe everything that you see in movies but that movie holds allot of truth. Women have over time gone on this roll coaster of power. But Spartan women seem to be the most different and stick out in my mind the most. Unlike any other women of there time they were aloud to own and control there own property. This is a job that mostly men have done over time. Spartan women were equal among men in Sparta, they had just as many rights and were aloud to speak there minds. They were also taught to read and write, it was more about brains then beauty. They also exercised or have athletic events that both women and men were a part of, women often ran naked in front of men as well. I for one am not brave enough to run naked but if i wanted to and i could and i was this brave i think i might. Oh and i had the body of the queen in the movie 300 i might run naked. In the movie the a Persian messenger comes to Sparta and threatens it and the Queen speaks in conversation and the Persian says " why does this women think that she can speak among men?" And the Queen replies "Because Spartan women are the only give birth to real men". That quote is very true. The Spartans believed that if women trained among men and was strong like a man that they would create strong sons. Of course in reality you can be anyone you want to be but i don't think that you can really make a strong baby that way, but they were a strong breed and people and they needed to do whatever they could to keep there strength intact. The men of Sparta on the other hand were seen as tough but they were also somewhat under minded because they listened to there wives. The movie has a good showing of that when he is thinking about kick the Persian in the whole, King Leonidas looks back at his Queen, looking at here for here approval... her option mattered to him. Well she nods in approval and he kicks the Persian in the hole. I think that Spartan men had to have complete self confidence in them self to be as strong as they are which i think in turn made it easy from they to love and respect and care about there wives more so then any other man of this time. The deal sealer for me in the movie is when the Queen go to council in front of all men to send more troops to her husband a man that she had to sleep with to get a meeting trys to black mail her and he calls her a "Whore Queen". Her return to that is she takes a sword from another Spartan and stabs him and says "you will not enjoy this for i am not your Queen". No one in that room tried to hurt her. In other cultures she would have been murdered but since she is a Spartan women she killed that man to defend her own name and self worth. If i could be like any woman in time it would be a Spartan Women.